
venerdì 7 novembre 2014

Where are they now? Linda Blair.←

In 1973 Linda Blair appeared in "The Exorcist", a film definided as the scariest movie ever. When she had the part of Regan (the child who was possessed by the devil) Linda was only 14 years old. After 35 years, Blair still lives in relative obscury.

Child star.
Linda Blair was born on January  22nd 1959, she started working as a model and as an actress when she was very young, she was only 6 years old. When she grew up, at 12 years old, had appeared in over 75 commercials. When she did the audition for the role of Regan in "The Exorcist" she was just one of the 600 children who applied for the part. Her performance was memorable, specially in the scene which her head spin around. But the reality is that the moviment it's not made by her. It was a dummy while the voce of Regan was dubbed by an older actress: Mercedes McCambridge.

Linda appeared in several other films as a teenager and as a lot of teens like her, decided to "live life in the fast line". This led to problems with the law. When she was 18 years old, she went to Florida to partecipate the funerals of the members of the rock band "Lynyrd Skynyrd", who had been killed in a plane crash. In Florida, one of her friends, persuaded her to go with her to buy cocaine. Linda heard that the dealers had also some pedigree puppies, so she called the dealers from her home in Connecticut: unfortunately the Drug Enforcement Agency was tapping the call, and so she was arrested. She received three years probation.

She continuated to act in films, but she only did "walk-on" parts. She also had others interests: she has written a book about vegan cookery. The name was "Going Vegan!", and she also is a campaigner for animal rights. As for early stardom she now says: "I wanted to be a princess. I wanted to be in Disney movies. I wanted to be in Lessie, I wanted to be in Flipper. I didn't want to be a monster."


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