Belt up, young men!

Florida's attempt to ban teenagers from "sagging": wearing jeans low just to show their panties, it has many precedents. In 2008, on the campaign trail, Obama told MTV that teenagers should pull up their pants. One year before the mayor of Delcombresaid that anyone who wears low jeans should pay a fine of $500 and spend six months in jails. The look os most associated to the hip-hop culture, that was born in the early 90's. The godfather of the skinny jeans, Heidi Silmane, deisgned his denims to sit well below the hip-bone, and a loot of brands have followed. Those kinds of jeans are not even easy to wear! So why do they do that? The answer is simply: rebellion. The look comes from prisoners having their belts taken away in case they use them to hang them. Showing your underpants in only an echo of lawless attitude. There's also a fact that showing your arse is just an insult that is centuries older than hip-hop. Hip-hop also permeated that boys pay no attention that a look could may seem threatening. When womes wear wear their jeans so low it shows off their knickers it's considerated alluring, while if boys do that it's a moral panic. Mosty gay-man have avoited the saggy-jeaned look. In fact, pointing out that in displaying your bottom you might be making it an object of deisre. Otherwise, no amount of nagging will stop young men sagging!

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